This year was the first time I entered the E17 Poetry Trail info
here , part of the E17 Art Trail info
Penny Rutterford was comissioned by Artillary to curate the Poetry Trail which included this year, the display of poems, some illustrated by local artists, in estate agents windows along Hoe Street, pavement poetry and events at Vestry House and the William Morris Gallery.
Poem by Jocelyn Cran and image by Carne Griffiths |
Paekakariki Press produced the prints for the display and the anthology of poems. They use the tradition of letterpress printing with an original Heidelberg press.
illustration of the Heidelberg press from Paekakariki Press website |
The display of poems works well in the windows, I like the idea of people coming unexpectidly across them as they browse for property.
info about Paekakariki press
Poem by Michael Shann and image by Anna Alcock |
I had illustrated my poem with an acrylic painting, an abstract floral peice that was remarkably difficult to make work in the end. I haven't really tried to illustrate any writing in this way before.
Usually the writing comes after I've made the art work, or I have a photograph that I've taken or found in mind. This time I had written the poem and had made a few sketches of the flowes on the shrub in question, but then worked on more of a painted feel for the poem.
Poems Mohammad Ali age 9 George Mitchell primary school, my poem and poem by Paul Mc Grane |
Poem by Kyshore Kumar age 15 image by Hannah Khan age 11 George Mitchell secondary school |
Poem by Janet Wright image by Matilda Bevan |
Alban Low and Dean Reddick organised another brilliant Magnetic show as part of the Art Trail this year too.
100 magnets with the theme of "Birds" on the streets of Walthamstow were left around the Town Square by enthusiastic participants of the magnet shows, for people to spot and take home with them. info on the bird magnets and next art work planned
I joined in by sending 2 images of birds for the magnets and helping the team put them out on Saturday 8th September after hanging some free art on the trees.