I think people will enjoy going round looking for all the visitors. After the E17 Art Trail they will be going on tour to Portugal and other places. Visitor exhibition site here
Vestry House is housing a lot of art work for the Trail. I shall be back to check it all out. The launch of the Art Trail is on Friday 3rd Sept. 6.30-9pm the
Last night was also the press opening and private view of Common Grounds, the exhibition I'm part of at The Hornbeam, Hornbeam's site here It was a great evening, I enjoyed seeing everyone's work and talking to people about my work and hearing from the other artists there.
Julian Beere had finished
Mary Pullen was showing some great drawings, One Line, done in situ in the Hornbeam cafe. Mary's site here Michelle Reader was showing her amazing sculptures made with recycled materials, Dandelion downstairs and Self portrait upstairs. Michelle's site here
William Goss was showing a series of his photographs, Man & Nature exploring the complexity of the interaction between man and nature, with some intruiging work. At once beautiful and questioning.
Barnaby Tidman was showing his poetry and photography poetry books upstairs with Cath linton's textile pieces, with some Cecil Collins inspired angels which I really liked. Gayleaf and Oriana Campbell Palmer were also showing lovely mixed media pieces about recycling.
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