Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Years Greetings

Wishing you all a very happy and creative New Year.

I’m a bit behind with my blog entries, something I’m hoping to change this year.
December saw mine and Amitajyoti’s workshop, Breaking through the walls of perception, in Bethnal Green. It went really well, we always seem to have a lovely bunch of people who quickly engage with the material and bring so much to the event

I’ve always been interested in perception, the way I and others see the world, having some form of creative practise probably leads to a natural interest, but then engaging with Buddhism, the Dharma, has brought the very nature of reality and how we see that, very much to the forefront of my mind. It is amazing how differently you see the world around you if you just slow down the whole process of looking. Taking account of the mood we’re in also shows just how coloured our perception is by our emotional states. All fascinating stuff and very insightful

In the workshop,

we looked at some texts and used methods to work creatively with objects in the room and our response to them. We also meditated and reflected on the process and our work.

Some more info, talks from the weekend etc will be on the main site soon.
I’m back into planning mode for the next series of workshops, the first will be on colour in March. More details later.

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